القائمة الرئيسية



Yemeni inscription | Henna inscription naqsh yemeni

Yemeni inscriptions:

 The inscription is Yemeni: they are drawings that are placed on the woman's body for the sake of beautification.

The woman was created by God and distinguished her with beauty and tenderness, for she loves to decorate to increase her beauty and highlight her femininity, so it was one of the methods of adornment and highlighting the beauty of women.

It is the embossing with khubab and henna. The woman’s need for adornment causes many women to turn towards engraving with pigments or henna, which calls for the presence of girls.

Women are empowered to make and apply this type of craft to meet the needs of women and girls .

Arayes inscription photos:

نقش يمني

swar naksh

Yemeni inscriptions
Yemeni inscriptions
Yemeni inscriptions
Yemeni naksh
naksh yemeni
Yemeni inscriptions
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